industrial ct | x ray ndt | x ray 3d microscopy | micro ct | sanying | sanying precision instruments co.,ltd-九游会登陆

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nanovoxel 3000
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   nanovoxel 3000 series is a flagship product of micro-ct. with 500nm spatial resolution and minimum 70nm voxel size, this system has excellent 3d imaging and image analysis ability, especially for the phase contrast and sub-pixel imaging. unprecedented image quality can show the inner structure perfectly, and the scanned data can provide solutions for the evaluation and improvement of material property and processing.


  • dual optical paths can provide users for the flexible solutions of cross-scale sample test and large cabient can allow in situ experiment appliance to be integrated in this system.

  • high mechanical stability can be guaranteed by the displacement stage and air-floating rotation stage with nano accuracy.

  • compared to the nanovoxel-2000 series, the test efficiency can be improved greatly for the sub-micron scanning.

  • excellent low voltage property of x-ray source is more suitable for the lightweight or biological samples.
